Thanks to the feedback from operators in Europe whom advised me that they had in fact heard ARISSat-1 on the morning passes on Monday 26th Sept. It appears that I did not wait long enough for its activation after coming from eclipse, I followed up the pass today (Tuesday ) at approx. 0900 hrs GMT. Sure enough it did activate OK but longer than I had anticipated and perhaps rather like the situation in the earlier days for Europe after it was released. Today ( using tracking ) it came over the horizon - a reasonable clear view - at approx. 0900hrs and reached its max. elevation of only 14 degrees for my QTH at approx. 0904hrs. It had not turned on at this stage and I did not hear the FM transmissions until 0909 hrs at which time it had tracked down to an elevation of only 7 degrees. Not able to work via the SSB link at such a low angle so can't comment except to say that under better operating situations during the month, I have heard my own down link quite strongly and had two confirmed contacts. Many thanks and apologies if my earlier report caused confusion. Ken Eaton GW1FKy