Hello Al, The only 'sure' thing seems to be the weekend skeds with Kamchatskaya ... of this I am proud ("chuffed" to you) because it shows that QRP can and does get through in less than optimun conditions (see the low propagation index) on AO-7 ... mind you, more than 5 stations at the same time and the old girl starts throwing a wobbler ... (for those unfamiliar with "Manchester" slang - it means FM'ing ... ie, AO-7 can only sustain 5 QSO's simulataniously, any more and she starts "complaining".
For the experienced operators ... please explain to your newcomer friends why AO-7 is a QRP satellite and why the power budget is as it is ... and give a friendly nod to those using too much power.
If you !!! had 32 years of spacedust on your !!! panels - you'd probably be feeling a bit under the weather too.
As GM1SXX is wont to say ... aluminium is cheap ... improve your receiving capabilities.
73 John. [email protected]