ISS has its own challenges because of the antenna position relative to your QTH. It does take some twisting for Arrow and Elk. But it’s a matter of taste for some people. I got VUCC using Elk only
On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 5:21 PM Greg D [email protected] wrote:
There are those who swear by the Elk, and those who swear at it.? I'm usually in the later camp...
The issue for me is the pattern, which appears to be both broad and at times unpredictable (notably on 70cm).? I did manage to snag an ISS repeater contact with just 5w about a month ago, which was a surprise.? It's also done well for me at relatively close-in fox hunting (with attenuators), and it disassembles easily into a relatively small package.? Lots of mounting options, using construction-oriented PVC pipe techniques.? But as a base antenna for working satellites I'd probably go with something a bit more conventional.? The Elk is really oriented toward portable operations.
On a positive note, both 2m and 70cm are in the same plane with the Elk, which matches the configuration of many satellites.? If you can hear the bird, it's likely that it can hear you.? The Arrow, on the other hand, has them at 90 degrees which makes for a problem if fixed.? Hand-held is ok, with appropriate wrist (and forearm) action.
Have fun,
Greg? KO6TH
John Geiger wrote:
Is anyone?using the Elk dualband log periodic in a base station setup on the satellites?? If so, how does it do overall and is the mounting for it pretty?easy to do?? Interested in any comments you may have about this antenna.? eham.net comments about it are positive.
73 John AF5CC
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