On Thursday 08 May 2008 22:21:05 Eric A, Cottrell wrote:
Charles Reiche wrote:
I reserved a room with Martha, well not WITH her, but I Dont know which hotel we amsaters are staying in, Since I am flying in a small plane to dayton, our first real project will be to figure out how to get around...
Looking foward to my first dayton.
Thanks for any pointers for a newb if you have them to supply.
Charlie N3CRT
Call Martha to confirm the hotel name and address since the hotel used has changed in the past. The hotel is usually near Wright State University in Fairborn on or near Presidential Drive. It is not too far from Wright Patterson and various military aircraft can be seen climbing out if the wind is right. Fairborn is east of Dayton.
Hara Arena is in Trotwood, Northwest of Dayton.
Don't Panic. The Fleamarket can easily take over a day to go through. It is better to do inside vendors on Friday as there is not the crush of people like on Saturday and Sunday. There will be a lot of people inside if it is bad weather outside regardless of the day.
I usually carry some water and snacks with me for the Fleamarket trek.
73 Eric
Its so hard figuring out how "best" to do Dayton.
The best deals in the flea market are usually there on Friday, excepting for the flea folk who show up on Saturday. So if you are into fleas, wandering around Friday morning is a good thing. The outdoor area also opens up an hour earlier on Friday, at 8am.
If you are optimizing on a new rig, the inside is the place to be; Eric is right in that its less crowded. If you are looking for a popular rig then you really want to try and snag it on Friday.
Me, I never quite know which to do and use the weather as a guide for what to do first.
Taking water with you is a good idea, I try to do what Eric does. The food at the arena can be OK, but its expensive as most places like this.
--STeve Andre' wb8wsf en82