On Behalf Of Mineo Wakita
145.825 MHz, 1200bps AX.25 JST ANDE-1>APRS1,SGATE [01/13/07 06:25:39] <UI>: :BLN1ANDE :ANDE-1 only wakes up 1 of evry 15s for users. Pse conserve.
Since ANDE sleeps most of the time, and only awakes on activity, we programmed the Satellite's KPC-3 TNC to schedule the beacons so that they would give an idea of how long ANDE was kept awake. The above beacon comes out 15 seconds after awakening. The odd spelling and spacing make the bulletins wrap nicely on the D7 and D700 radio front panel displays.
Here are the beacons and their times since awakening:
15s: ANDE-1 only wakes up 1 of evry 15s for users. Pse conserve. 105s: ANDE stays awake for 30 secs after last pkt heard. 4.2m: Aliases are RELAY, WIDE,APRSAT,ARISS & WIDEnN 10m: I've been on over 10m & need to save power. Thanks.
I have never seen the last one. This is good news, and means we are conserving power on this non-solar powered satellite. (115 "D" cell Lithium cells).
Since ANDE has a voice synthesizer, I thought about programming voice beacons, based on my daughter's morning responses to being woken up... But then it would make the satellite useless before noon on weekends...