This is all facetious, correct? Because, for example, if my wife applied for this position (she is not available), you wouldn't hire her because she meets none of those requirements. Yet in reality, she would be the absolute finest asset AMSAT may have ever hired. She is a public relations professional extraordinaire. While at UCRiverside, she got those professors on campus mentioned and cited in the planet's most prestigious magazines and newspapers. And her Rolodex is extraordinary ... Oh, and her work on and submission of my ARISS contact won a prestigious award from the Public Relations Society of America at their annual banquet last year ...
Anyway, what I mean to say is that this is not an election of a club president. This position needs someone with media savvy, professionalism and dedication ... Handling a soldering iron as a prerequisite is silly. Handling the editors at The New York Times and Scientific American magazine is what we need.
What qualifications are needed for a fund raiser and PR in AMSAT. The person had better have a ham license. They had better know how to phase a pair of crossed yagis. They had better be able to solder. It is important that they have worked at least a few hundred grid squares and most importantly they had better know how to edit an Doppler.sqf file. If they can do those things they certainly can handle the "simple" task of PR and fund raising because after all AMSAT is completely different.
73 W9KE Tom Doyle
On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stefan Wagener [email protected] wrote:
Thanks Rich,
*"I don't think that the school systems across the country have a clue of the great resources in ARRL, AMSAT, local clubs, and citizens offer including the local system where K4AMG mentors. They just don't get!"*
Actually some do. Just look and talk to the schools that had direct contacts with the ISS (ARISS). The local hams have worked wonders and some of the teachers are now engaging much more in amateur radio related STEM activities. It takes local folks to make a difference in local schools like you are proposing. It takes AMSAT, ARRL and others to make key support materials available for the local folks.
Be prepared for the obvious and not so obvious questions: How does that fit within the approved curriculum and planned activities? What are the resources you will provide to the local school and especially the teachers? Who will be doing it? What will it cost? ...and so on.
Good luck and keep us posted. Stefan
On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Rich/wa4bue [email protected]wrote:
Hi all,
I don't think that the school systems across the country have a clue of the great resources in ARRL, AMSAT, local clubs, and citizens offer including the local system where K4AMG mentors. They just don't get! That is why we are now assembly a presentation for our school board.
- Send to each board member resource info
- Hopefully speak with them 1 - 1
- Make presentation to the entire board
- Make some suggestions
- K4AMG will help fund the extra things that might be needed, no extra
expense to the city.
So PR info is critical to all of us!
Earlier this year, when we borrowed the CUBESAT simulator, we did discuss trying to build a CUBESAT. I think that if there was a parts list or a kit we could do that a lot easier. We could use our coordinated repeater frequencies all ready assigned (1/2 duplex). It may never be launched but we could arrange to have it flown every now and then.
I hope that this will development more discussion leading to a plan, action, and desired results
God Bless
Rich W4BUE
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bryce Salmi" [email protected] To: "Stefan Wagener" [email protected] Cc: "Clint Bradford" [email protected]; "AMSAT BB" < [email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 2:49 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Public Relations Lacking
Just a few comments:
- I'd be up for any document like this being publicly available
- AMSAT Engineering is using it's expertise in radio comms as leverage
for supplying a comms board to other cubesat payloads that can be turn into a full fledged bent pipe transmitter at end of mission. Not sure if this is actively being promoted yet, probably more leverage once Fox-1 flies
- I have no idea if AMSAT has a presence (official) at the cubesat
symposiums and conferences (I think there's a big one in Utah or at least was). That would be a good idea for this.
- A great start would be to build up excitement within amateur radio and
use that momentum to extend it. Again at least on AMSAT-NA side of thing Fox-1 is a big step towards that.
Nice discussion!
On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Stefan Wagener [email protected] wrote:
This ARISS guide is very useful for schools and communities seeking a
voice contact with the ISS. It is a procedure "manual" for a very specific purpose to guide applicants in the process for one specific goal, the contact. While the guide clearly fulfills its purpose and is used widely in preparation, it does not even mention AMSAT (however refers to the ARRL). However, the format and purpose is NOT useful for engaging individuals and/or groups involved in cubesats and amateur radio.
What is needed is a “101 on CubeSats and Amateur Radio” document/guide that at certain levels of detail clearly outlines the benefits, pitfalls and processes involved in using amateur radio within a planned cubesat project. It should preferably be written by AMSAT (available in the store?) however the amateur radio satellite community at large is a great resource. In essence, we need to tell folks not how (necessarily) but why they should include us and clearly outline the benefits (assuming we have a few).
All universities and even schools have in general a very effective communication group/department and their ability to promote their projects for fundraising purposes speaks volume. The lack of engagement by these groups with our community is based on previous experience and/or ignorance. Both of these are something we as a community have to take responsibility for. Negative experience based on cubesat bashing has done a lot of damage (based on very personal experience) and the lack of clearly outlining the benefits, our expertise, specific services and other tangible factors is also a factor.
If, and I say if, engaging the cubesat community is a priority of AMSAT (NA), it will require time, resources and a full commitment by the board and yes, most of all volunteers. What could help is for example having a working group chaired by a VP for cubesats (small satellites) and having the annual meeting in partnership with one of the annual cubesat symposiums for a joint conference. However, the board will have to decide how important that is in comparison to other priorities. In the meantime, it is up to the individuals making an effort on the local level.
My 2 cents, and I am going back working on our local ARISS project.
On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Clint Bradford [email protected]wrote:
Is the guide available ...
This is not the exact one I used for our ARISS contact ... but it is
I will upload the other one tonight - to the same folder.
Clint 909-241-7666 - cell
Clint Bradford, K6LCS http://www.clintbradford.com
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Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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tom ...