21 Mar
21 Mar
5:16 a.m.
Mineo san,
I think you are saying that your web page is a good design on how to use UIview32 for a Satgate for ANDE, RAFT, and PCSAT-1? There are other packet satellites I think that are being designed to also use the 145.825 downlink frequency, so it is good to have many satgates monitoring.
This is a good idea to show others how to set it up. I will add it to my ANDE-RAFT OPS page. Thanks! Bob
-----Original Message----- On Behalf Of Mineo Wakita Subject: [amsat-bb] UI-View32 V2.03 for SatGate
I posted it to the following URL. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/uiview32.htm
Name: Mineo Wakita / JE9PEL, JAMSAT member Mail: [email protected] URL : http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/ QTH : Yokohama Japan, GL:pm95tj Date: Mar 21, 2007