The purported impact of this new provision is being blown way out of proportion. And Mr. Perens has invented an obviously fictional backstory for the rationale behind the amendment. Under the current bylaws, the Secretary is obligated to grant membership to anyone who pays the dues established by the Board. This portion of the bylaws amendment has been adopted to protect the corporation and, by extension, our members who invest their time and money in our success, from being required to grant membership to undesirable individuals, such as those convicted of a violent offense or those with an extensive, documented history of harassment or discrimination in the community. In today’s day and age it is imperative that a corporation be able to decline to grant a membership or renewal application from someone that may bring disrepute upon the organization. This provision is adapted nearly word for word from ARRL Bylaw 2, with the exception that the body that would make the decision upon the Secretary’s referral is the Board of Directors rather than the Executive Committee (since our bylaws do not call for such a committee). This is a narrow provision that I hope the Secretary would have to invoke on very rare occasions. And if it is invoked, the Board would carefully consider the Secretary’s referral and make a decision that’s best for the organization and our membership.
Paul Stoetzer, N8HM Executive Vice President Member of the Board of Directors AMSAT