I have been monitoring passes of ISS for the SSTV transmissions.
So far with good success.
However, when unable to be in the shack I leave everything set up to automatically capture any SSTV on 145.800MHz. Late yesterday evening around 2019-08-02 01:35 UTC I received an odd SSTV image which stands out from the other images from the ISS.
This image looks like a SSTV from VE1PK but I have not been to find out anything more about it.
I have a vague recollection of Bob Buringa mentioning that one of PACSATs can transmit SSTV on 145.800MHZ but I can't find the posting in which that was mentioned - either that or I managed to confuse what was said, I do now the new PCSAT can transmit SSTV on 70cm which may be the source of my confusion.
image can be seen here:
It is of course the one which does not look any of the other ISS images.
Anyone able to shed some light on this wee mystery?
cheers, Graham ve3gtc FN25 near Ottawa Canada