Hi All,
I am thinking of expanding my portable operations as I can operate from my garden. Its quite hard to use the SSB birds handheld, so what do you think of using two arrow antennas on a G5500 mounted on a tripod for which I have seen Howard (G6LVB) perform quite well.
Now, the questions.. :-
I see that Howard mounted his off-set to each other.. I.E. Left one had the two metre ele's face left and the right to the right.. Is this for polarity? Making one LHCP and the other RHCP??
How do I make them act as one? Can I use something to join them together so that I have two listening on 70cm and transmitting on 2m? Whats involved to stack them?
Finally, what kind of performance can I expect out of this, i do have a 19 ele 70 / 9 ele 2 m, but is 3 metres in length!! Not quite portable?
As for radios, I think its been decided to have two 706MIIG as from the reviews I have had, you cannot CAT control the 817/897/857 to adjust when transmitting? And there is a delay in receive too.. I already have a 706 and 817, but thinking of trading this in for a second 706?
I hope this isnt too many questions, but would love to use the ssb birds before we lose (AO7 & FO29)..
Answers on a postcard!
Chris - M0DQO
Currently in his hotel room in Edinburgh, Scotland!
P.S. be gentle with me, as I am not electionic's expert!, but very willing to learn!!