Since you are Canadian and there is a Canadian aboard as you point out and he happens to be the station commander maybe you should call the CSA and ask them why he's not on the ham station. ARISS doesn't pay anyone's salary so what can they do about it.
73 John
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On Jan 31, 2013, at 10:53 AM, Bill Booth [email protected] wrote:
As part of my volunteer duties with ARISS, I post the schedule of upcoming ARISS contacts on practically a daily basis. I post to the SAREX BB ([email protected] mailto:[email protected]). You can also check the schedule at and at (actually and look for the link saying Tentative List of Upcoming School Contacts . You can also go directly to
I guess you miss this part then ........
That the one that shows the next scheduled contact as December 6, 2012.
When I read on AMSAT News the day after another Canadian contact, I wondered how come they were not listed. But then I found 2 others that were upcoming and never shown there either. Thanks for you information I know of a couple more places to look. So I just figured that since Hams were not doing the scheduleing anymore then what was the point of carring on....
But now I see there still is something in place. Maybe the RAC site can be made to be a little more updated. As a member of that group I will have to ask why.
I am still disturbed that a Canadian has time to do pictures and Tweet, but as yet he has not been on the rig. But he has lots of time to do this since he is there for another 5 months ..... so I wait on as many passes as I can .......
One day my QSL will come in.
-- Bill Booth VE3NXK Sundridge ON, Canada 79.23.37 W x 45.46.18 N FN05ns
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