Hi list, I'm still working hard at my station and saving pennies. I caught an SO-50 pass the other day (though there was terrible howling signal the whole time and I couldn't copy any voice) and I'm getting ready to mast mount my 70cm preamp.
I'm currently shopping for a competent 70cm all-mode, as I believe my Icom 208H and PCR100s are just not sensitive or selective enough to do the job. The reason I'm drawn to the 471 are its single band construction with robust filtering, I already have a mint 271a and think the 471 would match well, and the through-hole construction means that I have a shot at preserving my investment via future repairs, barring any blown out-of-production ICs of course.
Can anybody comment as to the suitability and/or performance of the ol' 471 on satellite? I imagine it's pretty decent, possibly great with a proper alignment/tuneup. I've read things about people modding the front end of 251/451's which is just one generation prior, and I am somewhat familiar with the 271 front end so I imagine I can play around with some silicon swaps on the front end to boost the performance if it's needed later (which I doubt with a good radio and a mast-mount preamp).
Down the road after I get a good job I want to set up a 275/475 station but of course you all know the price tag on those beauties. I figure a 271/471 pair will keep me happy for as many years as it takes to find my '75 "twins".
73, hope to get TRX on the birds soon, and I appreciate any insight. Matt KC4YLV