Can I achive circular polarization the following way?
From each dipole a length off aircell-7 to a dual power splitter with one
length being a quarter wave length longer than the other?
Dipool 50ohm ------------ | | splitter --------------- transceiver 50ohm Dipool 50ohm --------------- | |
I made one lenght longer following this calculation: lambda/4 * V that gave a lenght of 0.690/4 x 0.83 = 0.143m for Aircell-7 coax cable.
Now switching the coax between the dipoles I will get LHCP or RHCP.
Is there anything wrong in this approach? My reason for asking, is the fact that now in fixed RHCP position, AO-51 is very weak, weaker then before when I used a vertical placed yagi. (see http://www.ham.vgnet.nl/?Blog:Sept_2008 for more detail)
73's PE0SAT