I noticed, and my younger brother (3B8FA) also, same for the ISS and were enable to capture good SSTV pictures for the past days as both using tracking Yagi’s, we were just pointing in wrong direction. I find out that this is due to nasabare wrong TLE. Other TLE files such as nasa.all or amateur works fine on SATPC32.
Hope this helps.
73 and happy year 2021
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
On Dec 29, 2021, at 1:40 AM, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:
Dear Group:
I’ve noticed that the live tracking of the ISS is located differently on different websites and Ham Radio Deluxe. I fired up SATPC32 and it seems correct with the ESA Webpage. Live tracking on the AMSAT Webpage page is following my HRD which seems 3 or 4 minutes behind the ESA Webpage. I have updated all my keps which align with the AMSAT live tracking location. This morning while trying to download SSTV from ISS I was unable to track it properly. I had a huge signal before it even reached the horizon.
Any suggestions or remedy.
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