Dear Folks:
I can't get Doppler correction to work on my SatPC32 program /for most of the satellites./ Let me be clear that, for SO-50, my Doppler frequency correction works just fine. That tells me that the hardware, and some of the software, is set up properly.
Here's the difference that I see. On the top of the SatPC32 screen, there is a section that shows "Downlink" and "Uplink" frequencies, right next to the portion where the pushbuttons exist to shift frequencies by 20khz, etc. When I bring up SO-50 on SatPC32, the box below the "Downlink" and "Uplink" sections is populated with the actual frequencies, and they change during the course of a pass. On the other satellites, that box is a complete blank. What do I need to do to get the data to populate in that box, since I suspect that's what needs to happen in order for Doppler correction to occur?
Thanks and 73 de Bernie, KF0QS