Tnx to everyone who responded to my Email concerning mode J filter. I went ahead and purchased one from Par Electronics. Will send an update to the BB when it arrives and is installed. 73 Jerry KJ4EU On Friday, June 24, 2022, 09:13:34 AM CDT, BeetleJerald Oliver [email protected] wrote:
I am still having desense on my UHF downlink on the IC-9700. Antenna is a 30 element M2 CP Yagi with SSB Preamp at the antenna. I have yet to check connections at the end for any problems, but will do so. Connectos are all Type N on system. Is there any better option than the Comet CF-416C diplexer to help or even eliminate the 2M uplink from desensing the 70CM downlink ? I would have to weatherize it to ensure longlife, etc. Perhaps there is a sealed inline filter that would handle the capability of the radio which is 75 watts out on 70CM. Anyone with info pleae share with me. Tnx Jerry KJ4EU
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