Hello all, I am Ground Station Team member of COEP's student satellite mission 'Swayam'(www.coep.org.in/csat).Our Ground Station is functional with uplink and downlink capabilities and is equipped with Kenwood TS2000(having a built-in TNC) transceiver and Yeasu G5500 rotor system.
With the vhf and uhf antenna available with us we have successfully received analog beacons from many satellites. To prove our digital capabilities we are focusing on having APRS contact with ISS. We use UISS software by ON6MU along with AGW Packet Engine to connect PC with TS2000. Using the software we successfully transmit packet on air as transmitted packets are clearly heard on hand held Yeasu VX-3R transceiver which is unable to decode any packet.
Even though we try to digipeat and data is transmitted, we are not able to receive data on the software screen. whenever we have a pass of ISS some signals are detected and a receiving led glows even in squelch on. But the received signals doesn't sound like packet.
Please help us in improvising our ground station for digital communication.
Regards, Rupesh VU2COE