OOPS. The pattern repeats, but the times do not.
Looks like with the minimum elevation for Mobile reception of GO-32 being 30 degrees, this translates to usable ground tracks every 12 degrees of longitude which means we would need 5 tables, one for each of these cities: SFO, SLC, Dallas, Chicago and Wash DC. These tables and times would not change except twice a year switching to/from Daylight Savings time. For example, here is the WashingtonDC table (rounded to nearest 5 minutes).
Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7 Day8 Day9 Day1
0930 0910 1025 1005 0940 0920 1040 1015 0950 0930 1050 1055 2050 2030 2005 2125 2100 2040 2015 2135 2110 2050 2210 2145 2155
Today is day 3.
If you lived south of DC, then your passes would be 3 minutes later in the morning and 3 minutes earlier in the evening. For each table, the only info you need is what day you are on. Then you can count forward or backward in time to predict any passes.
Remembering that for uplinks, there is an additional pass 100 minutes before and after each of those shown as a single pass.
ELEVATION ANGLE: ... is also easy to infer. The days with double passes are near 30 degrees each (barely detectible by the mobile). The days midway between these lowest peak passes are the highest elevations (75 or more degrees).
Happy wilderness traveling!