Well lets see there is digital sstv digital HF Look at Ham Radio Deluxe, how many modes it has D Star is FFC approved and is legal to use and is here to stay guys..... It is a reliable form of communication. You don't have to connect to the world wide wed to use it. Oh and the folkes in the UK are going to launch a DSTAR sattelite,should someone tell them its a bad idea? Just because you dont like DSTAR ?Well maybe DSTAR doesnt like you LOL I would like to see the DSTAR users pick a REFLECTOR and use it as a state side intercomm. How cool would that be? Some one asking the group , hey who was that in fm-- or CN--or what was the call of the guy in DN--. Look at how we could all help each other while working the birds. So stop all the negative crap and lets work to the good of the hobby and the use of the birds, OK? I also see alot of post on this BB of people I havent heard on the birds . hummmmm OH well lets use what we have for the good and stop crying and complaining ,this is a hobby 73 and have FUN thats an order LOL Damon