And since "they" are the ones spending 12-16 hours a day for years to BUILD it, then it is only human nature that they will build what THEY believe in, and not what a bunch of keyboard-jocky shack-potato's waste everyone's time whinnning about...
OK, so they dont care about the membership that is supposedly the core of Amsat?
I didn't say that. Read it again. I said they will work on and build what they believe in. If the project gets diverted onto something else, or the whinners and ankle-biters wear them down, then those individuals who do not believe in the new direction indicated will often just give up in disgust. Someone else who believes in the diverted direction will have to step up to the plate.
Its human nature. Volunteers work on what they BELIEVE in, not what some whinning kibitzer wishes from afar...
The broad membership believes in the AMSAT mission and contributes to help these poor souls make progress and hopes for the best.
Bob, Wb4APR