Thanks for the update. That will make working NO-84 much easier. I was making a macro for every station I worked/saw on the down-link. I was running out of room for the buttons.
Thanks again...
I have updated DopplerPSK to v. 0.20. http://www.frontiernet.net/~aflowers/dopplerpsk/dopplerpsk.html http://www.frontiernet.net/%7Eaflowers/dopplerpsk/dopplerpsk.html 1. A "message loop" feature to aid in QSOs or other experiments where it might be desirable to have a message sent in a loop. The message format and UI is similar to that used in WSJT. Hopefully this is useful for slow typists, especially when fading and/or SNR is a problem. See the new Quick-Start guide for details on how to set up your own messages if the ones provided are insufficient. The original keyboard-to-keyboard mode is still there on another tab. 2. Fixed a couple bugs with saving of station information. 3. Updated the Doppler correction updates to once-per-second instead of every 5 seconds. This should improve tracking on very high elevation passes. In these situations it is critical that your clock be synchronized with UTC as close as possible to minimize residual frequency drift. 4. Added ability to select a sound output device separate from system default. This isn't extensively tested, but those of you who have multiple soundcards for your digital stuff might find it useful. Please let me know of any problems. Andy K0SM/2