The audio file of the 1552z 8November2009 SO-67 pass over the central US is on my webserver:
It is not clear as to why you get a few seconds of transmission and then are cut off. Since the satellite is being turned on for a specific period of time, one way to determine the effect of the sub-audible tone is to simply turn it off and put the bird in carrier squelch mode. The repeater is on continuously anyway for the duration of the time period. Having no PL tone will allow us to see if it is something else that is causing the drop outs, for example, over deviation, multiple carriers etc. The PL tone is very close to the normal speech frequencies and that can cause problems. Tone frequencies between 100Hz and 150Hz will still decode quickly and not be subject to speech audio interfering with the decoding process. Just some ideas for consideration.
This was only a 12 degree pass for me here in Ohio, however, I copied the bird on this pass using the new Alnico DJ-G7 handheld with the stock rubber duck antenna. Signals were amazingly strong although subject to severe fading at times. It should be possible to work through this satellite with a rubber duck antenna once the access problems are minimized. This will bring many more amateurs to the satellite part of the hobby and may peak their interest to be able to hear the weaker satellites as well.
Congratulations to AMSAT-SA for designing and launching this amazing satellite. We look forward to having it around for many years.
73, John K8YSE EN91dh Ohio
John Papay [email protected]