Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
I will summise that: Object B was the original crew/payload module. Object B then split into 3 induvidual parts to become Object F, the re-entry module and Objects B and E are the propulsion module and crew module. Object G is the satellite they ejected. Objects A, C abd D are the rocket body and shields.
Diagram of the spacecraft here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7640301.stm
OBJECT A 1 33386U 08047A 08272.15013951 .00054573 00000-0 29582-3 0 158 2 33386 042.4044 178.2230 0005368 282.1563 235.6774 15.79173201 410 OBJECT B 1 33387U 08047B 08272.16951968 .00327953 82862-5 24351-3 0 165 2 33387 042.4059 177.5399 0091257 143.6493 343.5235 16.05744722 424 OBJECT C 1 33388U 08047C 08272.17342119 .06092444 79886-5 34811-2 0 173 2 33388 042.5636 177.5826 0129090 158.4658 202.1979 16.01883401 425 OBJECT D 1 33389U 08047D 08272.20443186 .05125418 78832-5 32475-2 0 164 2 33389 042.5303 177.5714 0154719 162.3890 328.7653 15.95657293 425 OBJECT E 1 33390U 08047E 08272.09102851 .03224960 77331-5 30760-2 0 38 2 33390 042.2824 179.0310 0205276 133.9838 323.5950 15.80599614 151 OBJECT F 1 33391U 08047F 08272.16573425 .02824282 76802-5 27876-2 0 23 2 33391 042.2418 178.6899 0210798 137.8851 014.7122 15.79041458 168 OBJECT G 1 33392U 08047G 08272.14808939 .00006963 00000-0 41046-4 0 40 2 33392 042.4041 178.2403 0007017 285.1879 219.9725 15.78732015 89