I'd like to propose some alternatives to the whiney "I want a HEO" BB emails:
- Write up your vision for how a HEO linear transponder might be constructed and launched. AMSAT-NA is always looking for articles.
- Share with us your plan for obtaining the funds necessary to launch a HEO linear transponder
- Publish a paper with your technical design for a next generation HEO
- Designate part of your estate towards the launch funds of a HEO
- Participate in the various AMSAT-related in-person forums worldwide discussing this issue
- Contribute your engineering expertise to current goals so that future technologies can be discovered through one of the many ongoing satellite projects throughout the world
The best part about the above suggestions is all but one require no money, perfect for most hams who want to complain but never open a wallet when there is a need. It's also worth noting that you don't have to be a member of an organization to contribute, though it is often beneficial in my humble opinion.
73 Clayton W5PFG