Do any of the current or classic "satellite" HT's (FT-51R, IC-W32A, etc) allow you to create a single channel with a FM bird rx/tx pair in full duplex?
I.e. I turn one knob and get 435.310 145.875 {click} 435.300 145.880 {click} 435.290 145.885
I could do this with the 20 DUP channels on the Ft-100D.
Even though the IC-W32A has two "knobs", it looks like (from the manual) only one can be in memory mode at one time, so TX would be in VFO mode, and the other would be in channel mode. Is this correct?
So for each change (AOS, MID, LOS), I have to turn both knobs one click, correct? Even if I can have memories on both sides, I still have to turn both knobs -- If so, why wouldn't I just use a VX-170/VX-177 pair of HT's, and turn both knobs?
I can program my DJ-V5 to have the "odd split" (TX144/RX432) single knob channels, but of course, it is not full duplex.
Bill W1PA