Electronic voting would be good. I still have not received a ballot by mail.
Steve Kristoff AI9IN
Oldenburg, Indiana EM79ji
----- Original Message ----- From: Michelle Thompson via AMSAT-BB ([email protected]) Date: 08/04/20 15:27 To: Bruce Perens ([email protected]) Cc: Clint Bradford ([email protected]), AMSAT BB ([email protected]) Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Who Let THIS Info Out?
Honestly, it's been extremely hard to take advantage of the publications and official procedures from the "inside".
Just speaking for myself, the minutes of the meetings that show what I've done as an individual for the organization haven't been published because they haven't been approved.
Because we never had another board meeting, there's no way the earlier minutes can be published. They are frozen in time.
Meanwhile, Officers and the majority Directors congratulate themselves publicly on all activity.
A very few people control all of the social media, website content, and column content in the AMSAT Journal.
I moved (and it was approved) for a bylaws committee to fix the things that Bruce is talking about. There are several election issues, with electronic voting roadblocks being a big one.