Do we have a conscientious yet on the spread of the uplink frequencies for AO-85?
Today (29th) at the ~ 2300 UT pass over me on the coast of NW Oregon I could hear two stations WA6DNR (CM87) and WB9AWX (DM04) and it is quite possible, after listing to the recording it sounded like WB9AWX (~23:02) may have come back to my call but no idea at that moment what freq I may have been on (as I was running up and down from 435.165-435.180 at that point) and at that time the bird would have been close to Max EI for myself and probably getting closer to LOS for WB.
So, after four tries I am less than certain if I am getting into the bird and before the 5th trip would very much like some input on what the uplink freq's seem to be running for folks that are being successful from AOS to LOS.
From what I am reading, I may be handicapped with my HT-60 (Arrow antenna) but willing to keep trying for awhile as it has been a long wait for this one.
Thanks for all suggestions! And, by the way, thanks to the FOX team for all their previous and current hard work.... either way it goes I do appreciate the effort.
Tim R CrawfordKE7TAC CN85atArch Cape, OR