If you come by the AO-27 web site http://www.ao27.org/AO27/index.shtml you can read the whole text. Seems we will soon have to share the pass bands and it will be probably the next year field day prime mode as this new mode will not have many user at this very early stage.
It will be interesting to see how the control teams will deal with this new mode? as doppler seems not to be an issue but it will be very helpful to all the users to know which satellite who can pass D-Star to avoid testing on numerous pass.
I don't know if the eagle and P3E construction teams have planned this mode in their design?
here is an excerpt from the article. ____________________________________________________________ For others that want to try D-Star via Satellite we have a few things to keep in mind.
1) Remember that the FM users can't hear you on the bird. They hear a strong "noise" but can't decode you. So please keep the D-Star transmitting short. If you can monitor the FM side, you can time your transmitting as to not step on them. Please try to schedule with other D-Star users instead of calling CQ for the entire pass.
2) Watch the doppler, at times you may not be able to decode a signal even if the other station can decode you. Keep your uplink on 145.850 for the entire pass. Program your radio call signs the same as for simplex, AO-27 does not have a D-Star call sign. You don't need to set up your radio for repeater use.
3) Before using other satellites besides AO-27, please check with the control operators of those satellites. Every FM satellite may not pass the D-Star signal nor may the control operators wish to have D-Star traffic on the bird.
4) If you here us on the Bird, please give us a call. We would love to have as many D-Star users on AO-27 as possible.
The AO-27 Control Operators fully support and encourage the use of D-Star via Satellite on AO-27.
A shout goes out to ICOM for creating Radios for this Fun new Amateur mode of operation. Without their radios we could not have made this contact.
Michael N3UC AO-27 Control Operator
"-" "SSB push away AM. Is D-Star will push away analog transmission on satellite?"
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE