On 31 Jan 2007 at 1:21, [email protected] wrote:
How in the world is is even remotely possible that people hold a conversation on the bird knowing that there are 70 people
( probabally more like 170) using the bird for quick contacts? HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE.. I cant imagine the ignorace involved... I just cannot fathom it.
-Steve Raas N2JDQ FN20vg
Be or not to be! That is the question
You pointed out the whole problem Steve. Actually we only (I know it's better than nothing the AMSAT-NA moto) have LEO sats and by definition a LEO sat only offer a limited time pass of between 10 to 20 minutes (at the best). If you added to this some of them are only a one channel system eg:AO-51 you are stuck with a very limited span of options.
If you added the human factor on top of this you ended up with questions as your one "HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE" and it is mainly related to this human factor.
Look around you and beyond you will understand how humans react and act often illogically.Many are acting as they feel they are alone on this planet...I just posted a message showing exactly what you refer too but on a different plane of discussion not related to what we usually read here.
Some agree some not but what we are missing actually is only common sense and a HEO. This will not solved all our problems but it will at least show that we are making a step forward instead of backward.
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE