The activation of maidenhead grid square EL58hx by W5PFG & AC0RA is three days away. Even if you are not a grid or awards chaser, we would love to work you during this expedition via satellite. There are no permanent residents of this grid square, as most of it is open water in the Gulf of Mexico. What little land in EL58 is sandbar at mouth of the Mississippi River and accessible only by boat. See here: http://qthlocator.free.fr/index.php?locator=el58hx
During the entire expedition, we will be land-based in the grid, meaning this activation will count as Louisiana, Plaquemines Parish (County), USA. It counts as Islands on the Air IOTA NA-168, Burwood Island. If you participate in the 2018 ARRL International Grid Chase, this might be your only opportunity to work EL58.
Operating activity is estimated to begin around 23:00 UTC on 7-June. There are some variability in our arrival time and it will take us some time to prepare the site for operation. We will likely conclude operations around 15:00 UTC on 9-June.
The list below are satellites we plan to utilize:
FM: SO-50, AO-85, AO-91, AO-92 SSB: AO-7, FO-29, AO-73, XW-2A, XW-2B, XW-2C, XW-2F, CAS-4B
Skeds are available for DX and stations greater than 6000 kms distance from EL58hx. Sked via direct email only to w5pfg at arrl dot net.
Even if you worked the previous EL58 trip (K5L/mm), we'd love to work you again. This expedition we will use callsign W5PFG on satellites and AC0RA on 6m. We are hoping to work and confirm as many grid squares as possible, so if you want to work us from a nearby grid line to your home QTH, it is appreciated!
AC0RA is responsible for the 6m side of our activation. You may hear either of us on 20m and 40m. Anyone who works us is encouraged to spot us.
I may activate other grids in route to EL58, especially Wednesday, 6-June. I'll try to announce those via Twitter @w5pfg but it may be on short notice.
73, Clayton W5PFG