Hi Laird Taylor N7RSR,
with FT736R there is one more problem, not just how to gain suitable cable. CAT system in FT736R allows us to set Freq for RX and TX only. But no possibility how to read RX freq! And this causes us difficulty.
Frequency setting algorithm works with feedback. First set the frequency and then read it back. Verify that both frequencies are the same.If the verification fails, the control loop will stop working.
There exists some solutions to this problem. For example, insert a small 8bit microcontroller between the PC and the TRX. Microcontrollerdecodes the command to set the RX frequency and remembers it.The read command returns the stored frequency from memory without reading it in the RX. When working through satellites, it is necessary to tune the RX using the mouse wheel. I do not know if the MacBook works as I have described. But GPredict sat software works as described and stops the control loop after 5 errors in the read command.
Mr. Google help us to find concrete solution.
73 jarda ok2gz
//================================= I have an FT-736R and have just purchased MacDoppler from AMSAT. It will be installed in a MacBook running OS 10.13.6. I’m shopping for a CAT cable to go between the two units. The guy at HRO said the original Yaesu cable to go with Macs has part# FIF-65A but I don’t see anything yet on Google by that moniker. He also said the Yaesu CAT cable for PCs is FIF-232C - which I DO see around. Then I see a caution that there are lots of cheap cables around that use terrible chips that are a nightmare to keep running. The only cable I’ve found so far (on eBay) is $35 and the vendor doesn’t seem to admit which chip set is used. Amazon in the UK has a cable for sale for 16 GBP, which could be one of the cheaper ones. Immediate questions: 1. What subset of the alleged plethora of available cables is MacDoppler compatible with CAT on the FT-736R? 2. Who sells such cables nowadays? So far I’ve found only eBay and Amazon; it’s not even clear they’re selling the same cable - never mind the one I must use... 73 Laird Taylor N7RSR
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