The FM SATS are pretty easy and can be loads of fun. However, beingso easy, they get quite busy at times which brings about mayhem andchaos. It takes a while for new users to learn the proper operationalskills for using a single channel repeater available often nationwide. The Linear SATS are somewhat difficult to master at first, but most folkscatch on in a reasonable timeframe. They have a wide bandwidth whichmakes them available for quite a few QSOs to take place simultaneously.And, they can be actual QSOs as opposed to hello/goodbye types thatare the norm on the FM Birds. Your 9700 is an excellent radio for theLinear SATs, whereas an HT would have been sufficient for the FM ones. GL/73, Bob K8BL
On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 10:57 AM Carl A Estey wrote:
What handful of Amateur Radio satellites should a newcomer focus on? The Amsat Current Status table lists 15 with current reports but many of those are telemetry only. Is there a current “Amateur Satellite Frequency Guide? My April 2019 is pretty out of date. I need to know what satellites I should try to hear in an effort to validate my IC-9700 and M2 Leo Pack system. 73Carl WA0CQG -----------------------------------------------------------