I hope you do get in touch with the W station that answered you today and work him.
For everyone who was following the AO-7 power discussion earlier: the X-200 has a specified gain of 8 dBi, with his specified power output of 5 watts, that's about 19 watts ERP. That was enough to receive an answer from a station at least 7,000 km away. That proves the point that you don't need to crank the power up. Treat the old lady gently and she will reward you with many great QSOs!
Paul, N8HM
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 5:22 PM, LU2DPW Juan Carlos [email protected]wrote:
Hello to all
In recent AO-7 pass about 20:23 UTC in mode B, I'm calling in CW on 145952 down and copy an W...... station answer me.
Thanks for your answer and please call me next Sunday in Mode B window to USA.
I work two US station in CW with distance record in 2008.
My elements are very simple: FT-726R with 10w input(I opined about 5w output)
Now my antennas: In tx: Diamond X-200 vertical and in Rx: 5 element Yagui home brew for 50Mhz.
In 2008 QSOs I'm using same X-200 in tx and Quad Swiss TET in rx.
73 de Juan - LU2DPW - GF05gi _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb