On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 17:50 -0500, Rocky Jones wrote:
I dont know about the District of Columbia, but if AMSAT were a Texas organization (and Amsat is much like the community association I headed in how it is organized) then you have just admitted to a violation of law.
I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV, but the organization desperately needs one.
Robert WB5MZO Life member Amsat NA
ARE you saying then that you are willing to step up and HELP out then?
This is to ALL those that have made comments during this and the other thread: May I ask what you have done FOR AMSAT or the Satellite community in the past few years that HELPS out with a launch, building a satellite (even a board of it), put forward the means to start a dialogue that MIGHT get a launch in the near future?
IF not, then PLEASE shut up and let the BoD do what they can with the help that is left after this latest of shouting matches.
James W8ISS