Bob --
This is the first Wallops OSCAR launch that I recall but it would take me a few hours of study to prove it. Perhaps some of the others gray-of-beard on this net, e.g., Klein and Clark, already know this is correct.
Preliminary GeneSat-1 info has been in my CubeSat web page for a few months. Now that launch is only a few days out there are updates coming in almost daily. GeneSat-1 web page,, will have a lot more information when they bring it up ~06Dec.
Telecommand will be via a 2.400-2.4835GHz SS high speed ISM link using off-the-shelf transceivers and the 10m dish at Palo Alto. I assume this antenna yields ~45dBi gain at 2.4GHz (given a conservative 50% efficiency) which will yield a ~20dB link margin. A 3m dish would yield a ~10dB link margin but the spread spectrum signal might be difficult to detect even by a well equipped 13cm EME station.
TacSat-2 is the primary Minotaur launch vehicle payload, see I am waiting for confirmation that the orbit will be close to circular at 410km with a 40d inclination before changing the conflicting information in my web page.
TNX es 73 de Ralph Wallio, WØRPK Hubbert's Peak - The Mother of all Perfect Storms