Hi all, After 7 weeks of operating our Flagship Olympic and Paralympic event station 2O12W ( Two Oscar One Two Whisky ). We made over 17.000 contacts and in the early stages I was able to dedicate some time to satellite contacts (over 40 ) and included the USA and Canada . The contacts were mainly via FO-29 and VO-52 Alas I was unable to give my time to the better passes of AO-7 sorry to say. Due to local QRM I was also unable to make a contact with Cuba which I had a request for. Thanks to all for your support and patience with the contacts both on satellite and HF with this perhaps once in life opportunity of an Olympic Flagship in Wales. The flame has gone out but the throat will be burning for a bit longer Hi! Hi!
Having caught up with the news I listened for "PROITERES" this morning from my home QTH and was able to hear the satellite quite well with just my usual "ELK" antenna. "Congratulations to the team and all concerned " Ken Eaton GW1FKY Amsat-UK Amsat NA