----- Original Message ----- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 11:18 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Active FM Sats
I have been out of commission for about a year. What FM SATS are in
operation now? Anyone?
WA7HQD Lee Ernstrom Syracuse, Utah DN31xb
Hi Lee, WA7HQD
Instead to go to a single channel FM satellites actually operating AO-27, AO-51, SO-50 please try on the linear transponder satellites VO-52, FO-29 and OSCAR-7 plenty of room fom many CW and SSB QSO's at the same time.
VO-52 has actually the strongest down link signal between 145. 875 to 145.925 MHz using the indian linear transponder continuously operating 24/hours with no limitations due of ecliples.
FO-29 is also working very well in Mode-J and OSCAR-7 in Mode A and Mode-B do permit nice QSO's between USA and Europe.
Why to vaste time with the FM satellites for very small on a single channel to exchange only call letters and locators at most into a terrific QRM ?
73" de
i8CVS Domenico