The ham population in the USA is ~ 800,000 + . Those figures are taken from the Federal Communications Commission data. Some years back the FCC went to a 10 year license. If someone decides to drop out it might be a number of years before their license would expire. Of course you do not write the FCC and turn in your ticket. The above of course is only an American view of the ham population. I used to operate a lot of 7 mhz CW. Now it is difficult to get a QSO during the daylight hours. At night when the propagation is longer you can find a QSO but not many. A lot has to do with the level of sunspot activity too. But to say : " the ham ranks are way bigger" is, in my opinion not accurate from an American view point. You might think that the codeless license would have made a big difference. It did not. I often kid some of my friends with the statement that there are only two modes : CB and CW. Of course CW is the oldest digital mode. I believe that the USA ham ranks peaked about a decade or two ago.
Jim W9VNE on the air since 1952
----- Original Message ----- From: "Simon Brown (HB9DRV)" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 3:58 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Amsat-BB
From: "Jeff Moore" [email protected]
- Compared to 10, 20, and 30 years ago, the ham ranks are way bigger
And older - much older. Older means richer, just look at the radios we're buying and stations we're building these days.
Anyway, it would take one wealthy Ham to leave his estate to AMSAT DL to be used to launch P3E in his memory. Any volunteers on the list?
Simon 'Not Dead Yet' HB9DRV