Mr. Bradford,
You are partially correct in your statement about the 2011 AMSAT Symposium that was hosted in San Jose. You were involved in obtaining prizes that were awarded during that Symposium, but you did not attend that Symposium. I was there, enjoying what was for me the second AMSAT Symposium held on the west coast, after attending the 2006 Symposium that was hosted in Foster City CA, south of SFO airport.
During the 2011 Symposium, Mr. Bradford contacted me with two questions:
1. Did the prizes make it to the Symposium?
2. Was he recognized for his work in obtaining prizes?
I answered "yes" to both questions. There would have been no need to contact me and ask these questions, had he attended the Symposium.
I quickly went through the photos I took during the 2011 Symposium, where I had been taking photos of different people. Nothing with Mr. Bradford. I also looked in the AMSAT-BB archives and the archives of his own Yahoo! mailing list. No mention of being at the Symposium while it was taking place, and nothing after the Symposium referring to being there.
To use a quote of his from a recent post in another forum...
"Just for accuracy's sake."
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK Twitter: @WD9EWK
On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 3:52 AM, Clint Bradford wrote:
Well - good evening to you, too, Pablo.
When's the last time you attended a symposium? Ummm, never?
I just love it when truly ignorant statements are made - as if the writer knew anything about what they are talking about.
I attended an AMSAT Symposium when it was in San Jose, CA. I also accumulated one of the finest assemblage of raffle prizes AMSAT-NA has ever seen when I was prize coordinator for their symposium a couple years ago. Got a plaque signed by the AMSAT prez for that effort.