At 08:43 AM 3/5/2011 -0800, you wrote:
I did not mean for my sarcasim to be insulting, I gather they must go hand in hand, my opologies...
So I did find a hombrew 2-meter all band in the 1999 QST, Sept,Oct,Nov... called the DSP-10. A little more than I was looking for and I think it was discontinued. Several hundred were sold. http://www.proaxis.com/~boblark/dsp10.htm
Goes to show it can be done. Roger I think said something about a downconverter, I do have an old 10-meter maybe that will work.
That brings back a memory when I first started.
I didn't have all mode VHF equipment, just a two meter FM rig and a kenwood TS-440. I wanted to listen to some of the SSB activity on two meters, so I took the cover off the two meter rig, and tapped the IF from the FM rig to the TS-440, and I could receive 2m SSB. Even though the FM rig only did 5 khz steps, the IF output was still wide enough to cover everything in the vicinity of the 2m frequency.
The things we do to have fun sometimes.