Hi Howard,
I don't even try to copy my contacts right now. I started working the Sats last year. Worked them about a month, suffered a hard drive crash loosing my log. Just got things back. I use a recorder to record my contacts then play that back and make my notes. I had a digital recorder but after a year of not using it I can't find it. I'm using an old cassette tape recorder until I can buy another one.
As for the members section. I think you are referring to the members section on the amsat.org web site? I could be wrong, usually am my wife tells me, but I think it's not fully online yet.
73, Kent
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 17:40, Howard Kowall [email protected] wrote:
Well thanks to all that have replied I have made some Satellite contacts on SO-50 and AO-51 I just find it seems kind of fast,the operators just speed out there call and grid square and I am having trouble copying it Even when I tell the to repeat it (which I don't really want to do because it takes up Sat time)they still fire it off way to fast(maybe I am not as young as I used to be)I just want to get some experience under my belt so I can try the U/L ssb Sats then maybe some of the dig Sats I have just joined Amsat and have found allot of info there,so I felt joining was a good idea and also to support them . Hope to have a qso with some of you,have to wait till it gets warmer out to put my antennas up,just finished building and testing my rotor controller,and have now got a good hang of SatPc32.I found that a rig only half duplex is a bit of a pain,so I am not able to hear myself on the down link,I will have to make arrangements with someone on calibrating the correct tuning with a half duplex rig on AO-7 Thanks to all who took an interest in my email. Howard VE4ISP Don't have my Amsat # yet sorry I guess it come in the mail Also how do you get into the members section??