Unfortunately I had the VO52 pass at 08/1352Z all to myself when the ship was in FM01. The downlink was strong, but there were no takers.
My ship was still barely in FM01 when SO67 came up a while later. There was no QRM on the bird's downlink, so I was all set. But the ship's engineering department chose that time to test the high pressure foam system used for extinguishing fires. I normally set up the step ladder station on the flight deck, but we have a foam cannon (called a "monitor" for some reason) trained on the deck, and my station was right in line to get blasted.
Luckily, I was able to get the gear out of the way just in time, but the fire system test didn't allow me any chance to get set up again before SO67 went over the hill.
We're now in FM02, the last grid square of this voyage. I'll be on board until Sunday morning and will be able to make this grid available a few times through tomorrow evening. I won't be posting a schedule though.
Jim, ND9M / VQ9JC