I have been trying to lash-up everything for ops on 28.120 (USB) PSK31 Uplink and 435.350 (FM) Downlink for PSAT-1 .
Well, in order for my K# to be keyed by the soundcard SIGNALINK-USB, the K3 must be in DATA mode ("MD6;" is the K3's command I believe).
I have moderate success telling SatPC32 that the 2nd radio is a Kenwood, other .
So when SatPC32 reads the Doppler.sqf file, it will change my K3 to CW or to FM or USB. None of which, if used, will allow MixW or DopplerPSK to do anything more than "switch" on the SignaLink and also cause the K3 so "switch" to the xmit (red lite on) position. Yet there is, as expected, no RF output that way, in USB.
So using two different SignaLink's I have the IC910H going to the 435 rx freq and listening. I have the K3 on another SignaLink, going to 28.120 and switching to xmit when asked.
Just that I need to K3 to automatically go into DATA mode when being used for PSAT-1, or any other PSK type bird.
When I manually switch the K3, then either MixW or DopplerPSK do, in fact, switch the K3 to xmit as-well-as output RF .
This is not a very good solution as sometimes SatPC32 re-reads Doppler.sqf and thus puts K3 back to USB.
Anyone have a solution?
tnx !