On Sun, 2010-01-17 at 13:41 -0800, Glen Zook wrote:
Not every AMSAT member has discretionary funds to contribute to the organization
I *do* have the discretionary funds available to become a member, but for one thing I find it slightly odd that international members pay more than members in the US, and also I have *no way of paying it*!
I really can't see a way of paying for membership without either a chequebook or a credit card. I have neither. When I opened my first current account when I was 16 years old, I had a chequebook - that is the first and last time I have ever had one. Twenty years later, I don't even know anyone with a personal chequebook, and as far as I know my bank doesn't really offer them any more. I don't have a credit card either, because I don't need one. Every bank account I have ever had (again, at least since I was 16) has had a debit card facility. Moreover the design of the amsat.org payment gateway doesn't exactly fill me with confidence - especially since it never accepts the same account details for me twice!
Gordon MM0YEQ