In the past...like way past...didn't AMSAT keep a satellite "alive" by positioning a BAUDOT RTTY loop in Canada to fire up the satellite for the American continents, at least for declining passes?
Of course the reset code may have been much simpler then, but computers make automatic timing and response much easier now.
The further north the better for declining passes around the world....
Of course the same could be said for ascending passes from southern "pole" type areas.
Roger WA1KAT
On 5/7/2011 9:07 AM, Alan P. Biddle wrote:
AO-51 has been in many ways like a faithful old dog. Almost always there, and one you can trust with the kids. Every now and then it runs off for a few days, starts yapping and bothers the neighbors, or makes a mess on the rug. Still, just when you start to get annoyed, it gives you a big, wet kiss and all is forgiven. Sadly Dog Years and Satellite Years are about the same, and AO-51 is getting along.