12 May
12 May
7:21 p.m.
Recently it was posted in libre.space community discourse[1] by cgbsat an interesting analysis about TLE of a couple of satellites and what delays you should expect in observation starting time when you use TLE 0-10 days old.
Delays vary depending on satellite, difference could be from some seconds to some minutes (in ISS case).
I'm very interested if there are similar analyses.
73, fredy
[1] https://community.libre.space/t/tle-updates-and-scheduling/1987/4
On 05/12/2018 08:02 PM, Ron VE8RT wrote:
I understand that there won't be a good answer for how old can TLE's be before they're of no use. If you were going to be offline for an extended period, roughly, for a LEO, how long would you go before they're worthless?