Hey ya'll,
EMike mentioned:
features an article on CubeSat Microthrusters - page 38
That is a nice article. SatMagazine is pretty cool for free. There is some thruster information available on the web also.
I know the AMSAT-UK web has done a wonderful job of archiving satellite missions thanks to Trevor's amazing efforts. A search on uk.amsat.org with the keyword "thrust" brought me to this page: http://www.uk.amsat.org/?s=thrust
When you have thrust you need attitude control to know your spacecraft's position/orientation and keep it there. Only when you are pointing to the right spot in the sky it would be OK to light the engine.
An interesting aside to the AMSAT Fox-1 project is the on-board student experiment. The Penn State University AMSAT sponsored senior design project is a 3-axis MEMs gyro sensor to measure satellite spin rate, spin direction and wobble about magnetic axis. First steps toward attitude control in a cubesat.
Perhaps future Foxes will host a microthruster experiment.
The 2012 Dayton Forum Fox Project slides even mention future launch opportunities for the add-on Fox-like fleet. See: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/fox/AA2TX_Dayton2012V3.ppt
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected]