8 Feb
8 Feb
1 p.m.
On 2/8/20 5:14 PM, Roy Dean via AMSAT-BB wrote:
I did a google search on how I could better calibrate my el-cheapo SDR to receive HuskySat-1 (I use NOAA weather stations to calibrate roughly to VHF), and I found this article by WA1CYB:
Sure enough, Channel 17 had a strong pilot tone at 488.309441 for me to use as a half-way decent reference! Hoping this can help others in the future.
For those in other parts of the world with GSM networks kalibrate-rtl can be an option to get to the same result. Source https://github.com/steve-m/kalibrate-rtl
My experiences at https://idefix.net/~koos/newsitem.cgi/1493498616
Koos PE4KH
Koos van den Hout
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