On the most recent pass of AO-92 a few minutes ago (over EM79), I heard some stations replying to calls by saying only "QSL, 73". I would like to respectfully remind folks that that kind of reply isn't very helpful. Who are you replying to? What is your call sign? What grid are you in?
Could be that these folks are new to satellites and were a tad nervous. We've all been there.
Please, when you are replying to someone calling you, reply with the other station's callsign, your callsign, and your gridsquare. This is the full exchange that completes a QSO.
Here is a cut and paste from the "Fox Operating Guide 2019":
* Listen for others * Listen for yourself using full-duplex operating technique "W4ABC" (make sure you have your 67.0 Hz CTCSS switched on!) * You hear "K9XYZ" * You say "K9XYZ W4ABC EM74" * You hear "W4ABC K9XYZ QSL EN52" * You say "K9XYZ W4ABC QSL 73" * Please do not call "CQ Satellite" on the FM birds
Here are links to helpful publications: https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FoxOperatingGuide...
I very much welcome all to the wonderful world of ham radio satellites. But, you can make sure that your QSOs count for you and your contact by following the best practices.
Steve AI9IN
Oldenburg IN