Hi all,
I've been trying to work stations on ARISS as it goes over the USA, and don't seem to be getting anywhere. I hear the ARISS exactly when my tracking software says I should. I switch to converse mode and send a "Hi". I see a number of stations sending packets, I attempt to contact them without results.
I used K9JKM's PDF to help set things up (very helpful). My unproto is CQ VIA ARISS. I looked at the bottom of www.ariss.net to see if the ARISS was hearing me, I didn't see my call, nor did I see the other calls I heard. Perhaps it takes a while to appear.
Is there another way to see if things are setup okay on my end?
I'm using Winpack on Windows 7 to a MFJ-1278T to a IC-706MKIIG connected to a vertical antenna mounted at 50' (working on a better antenna, hope to have it up soon).